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The bosses were created by placing six 4 color sprites (16 pixels wide) next to each other (creating a single sprite with 80 pixels in width). The sprites' colors switch in the middle and they also change when being hit by the player. This is possible because two sprites share the same 4 color palette. Therefore the middle two sprites share one palette, while the outer two sprites share another palette, and so on.

Shots and orange overlays are created with more sprites.

Hybris used sprites very efficiently, which is one of the reasons why it was able to keep the silky smooth 50fps frame rate even on the old Amiga 500.






The player objects consist of a 16 color sprite (which is done by combining two sprites). This is combined with two 4 color sprites which make up the shields on either side of the player.

The shots are normal 4 color sprites. Since sprites are only limited in width (to 16 pixels) the shots can grow extremely high which can be seen on the far right with the pink bullets.

The bonus pickups are normal BOBs (Blitter OBjects). They are drawn traditionally to the screen.


All enemy sprites from Hybris. Due to the Amigas hardware limitations sprites are mostly 16 pixels wide and consist of 4 colors.

Only the enemies at the bottom are 32 pixels wide. This was done by placing two sprites next to each other.


The background tiles mostly consist of 64x64 pixel elements which in turn seem to consist of 8x8 pixel tiles which is unusual as 16bit computers usually prefer (i.e. are faster) at working with tiles that are 16 pixel wide.


The color palette changes during levels. In this case the green trees share the same palette entries as the water. I didn't remap the colors for this map so the trees appear blue instead of green.


The final level also contains the final end boss. Large end of level bosses usually were just part of the background tiles and weren't able to scroll independantly of the usual background. This is usually noticable because the background vanishes before such large bosses appear or the boss is not able to move.