Suny: "This one is a copy from a picture by Solé, a french comic artist. Copying a picture was a good exercise to understand how to do shading, antialiasing, and how to work with a really small palette."
Suny: "a pixel-by-pixel picture with a 64 colors palette, made on amiga 1200. It appears on the demo Motion by the group Bomb, wich won the 3rd place at The party IV."
The backdrop takes up the remaining 64 colors and was done with a 3D program.
Suny: "A 16 colors pixel-by-pixel picture made on amiga 500, a long time ago. I used a photo-ref. This image appears on the intro of the demo project angel, which won the 1st prize at The Party IV in Danemark."
1st in the Saturne Party 1993 Graphics on A500 competition."
2nd in the The Party 1993 Amiga Graphics competition."