Many games were developed for multiple plattforms. The different technical capabilities of the individual machines led to interesting versions of the same image. Ranging from fewer or more colors, to completely different interpretations of the original motif.
The Atari ST was the Amiga's main competitor in the 16bit era. The main differences of the Atari ST were:
Maximum of 16 colors on screen at once.
Color palette only 9bit deep, 512 colors in total, versus 12bit and 4096 colors in total on the Amiga, resulting in rougher gradients and simpler hues.
Resolutions only available in NTSC (i.e. 200 or 400 lines per image)
You can switch between the plattforms by clicking on the "Amiga", "AtariST" buttons in the top right menu.
The iconic Tutankhamun mask used as cover for many Deluxe Paint versions.
The Amiga AGA version looks like it was created by smearing around the golden parts with the Deluxe Paint smudge tool.
Not really a high class way of upgrading an image.
Based on original art created by Tim White
Based on original art created by Steve Weston
A variation of the droplet logo with only blue droplets.
EU version
The highly optimized 16 color version was upgraded to 32 colors, but only a hand full of those colors were actually used and even those could have been further reduced.
US version
Sadly some really poor edits were done to the US version of the title. Not sure why, but maybe someone felt the image was a bit too agressive / explicit.