Amiga Graphics Archive TFT About Links

Launched in 1985 the Commodore Amiga boasted graphics capabilities that were unsurpassed for it's time.

It featured an intricate collection of custom chips that enabled it to do things that, until then, had been impossible to achieve with other personal computers.

This site is dedicated to graphics made with or for the Commodore Amiga home computer.


25. 01. 2025

Added level graphics to the game Starray and included the graphics for the Atari ST version as comparison since it actually manage to improve over the Amiga version, despite being technically at a disadvantage.
Also found an alternative version of the title screen.

28. 12. 2024

As final update for this year I added a whole bunch of awesome images from Facet who has been really productive in the past year.

18. 12. 2024

Added another batch of classic images from Aegis Images and Aegis Spectra Color art packages.

18. 11. 2024

Added a collection of images by Island Graphics from the very beginning of the Amiga.

18. 11. 2023

Added a lot of nice graphics from the air race game Gee Bee Air Rally by Mike Nowak.

15. 10. 2023

Added some brilliant new images from oldschool scener Facet, who has been quite active again in the last couple of years.

I also changed the ordering for sceners, so that the images will now be shown from new to old.

01. 10. 2023

Updated the logo section of british video game developer/publisher Ocean Software Ltd. with all logos I could find, finally including the correct color palette entries.

09. 09. 2023

Added a great collection of early hi-res images from Robert J. Spirko. A lot of these were printed in the german Amiga Jahrbuch 1987.

27. 08. 2023

Added a whole bunch of images that were printed in various magazines as part of art contests - mostly from german Amiga Magazin.

Finding original files isn't easy, since magazines rarely distributed the submissions during the 80ies.

This got better during the 90ies, when coverdisks and cdroms were more common, but sadly by that time a lot of submissions consisted of 3D renderings and photo collages, instead of hand crafted pixel art.

18. 06. 2023

Added a bunch of beautiful landscape paintings by Walter Bergmann. He also got his art printed in an art contest by german Amiga Magazin

22. 05. 2023

Added a couple of impressive images from Mike Crossmire alias MGC from the very early Amiga years.

27. 11. 2022

Added graphics from the game Warhead, which uses its limited palette to great effect to create metallic surfaces and structures.

13. 11. 2022

Added graphics from the game Crazy Cars 2 which features really nicely pixeled in-game sprites of the Ferrari F40 and Ford police car.

30. 01. 2022

Added a big collection of very early artworks created by artists of the french design school Brassart in 1986.

03. 11. 2021

Here's a big update with early art from Finnish artist Heikki Luhtala, EHB art from Eddey and more images from Swiss artist Orlando Petermann.

25. 07. 2021

Another scene update with lots of recently released images from Archmage, Facet, FadeOne and Prowler. Nice to see these artists revisiting their roots.
